Be a fashionrevolutionista in your act of mending and take your mending pubic! Go solo, or get together with your friends, and take your mending to a park, your local cafe, or even just on your front porch! If it’s too chilly, take it to your local cafe, pub, or coffee shop. If it’s too soon for you to be out, you can post a reel, a photo, or story of yourself ( and your friends).
Wherever you are, share your experience online by using the hashtags #fashrevyyc #publicmending #imendedmyclothes #PDM and tag us @fash_rev_yyc on instagram and we will reshare! No social media? Send us an email and we will share your photo:)
We will be on the lawn of cSpace from 1230pm to 230pm. if you would like to join us! Bring a picnic! Bring your kids! Bring the dog(s)! There is a lot of space for social distance, and we can mend together apart. (If inclement weather, we will take it inside - location TBA)
Happy mending! Can’t wait!