Erin Bird


Erin is a social activist leading Fair Trade Calgary under the umbrella of Engineers Without Borders Calgary Section.  She also sits on the Executive of the Canadian Fair Trade Network (CFTN) as an Alberta representative and the new President of the Board for 2019.  The goals of Fair Trade Calgary are to show leadership in the fair trade movement, obtain a Fair Trade Town designation for Calgary, and the vision is to make fair trade standards the norm rather the exception in all products. 

You can find out more about our Calgary campaign and activities by visiting: and about the CFTN at I was drawn to the ethical fashion arena due to the depressing lack of ethical choices currently in Canadian retailers. The typical consumer usually has no idea of worker's living and working conditions in other countries.

This obvious disconnect is why I am passionate about being on the organizing committee for Fashion Revolution Week YYC, and I want to help bring awareness of human rights and environmental issues in the fashion industry to the everyday North American consumer. I look forward to continuing the discussion with many like-minded Calgarians during Fashion Revolution Week.

Fashion Revolutoin YYC